Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How can it be?

My baby is turning one!! I do not know what to do except thank God for such an incredible roller coaster year. Michael and I couldn't wait (well, maybe it was more my prompting) to give Shiloh her birthday gifts, so we gave her one early. It's called "Band in a Box" and it sure is noisy! And I love it! Maracas, a tambourine, a triangle to call folks in for dinner, a clapper, itsy bitsy cymbals, and a rhythm stick complete the instrument ensemble. We had soooome fun today.

It feels good to make decisions. I used to put off making decisions that I thought were important because I didn't want to make the wrong one. But now!! The freedom I have tasted in trusting God that even if I do make the wrong decision, He's got it all under control! This has been especially timely as I now have a home-based business with lots of little and big decisions to make on a daily basis!! Thank You, God, for redeeming every bit of me. (This is also described as passing His people on from glory to glory spoken of in His Word.)

Yesterday...er...it's past midnight, so yeah, two days ago in the morning...I wake up to the baby crawling on my head and pokes from her chubby little baby fingers (like every morning.) I am still resting with my eyes closed though. But then there was a new one. I hear this chhhip! ripping sound and then a whoomp and something lands on my head. I open my eyes and it's a diaper!! A very full and wet diaper!! Haha! I'll tell you what, we got out of bed in a hurry so as to place a new diaper on her before she let loose anything else! My husband said, "Well, at least it wasn't a poopy one." Aptly said.

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